Will a Miata Fit in a Toy Hauler?

Will a Miata Fit in a Toy Hauler?

It’s a question that has plagued me for years: can my beloved Miata fit inside a toy hauler? I mean, sure it’s a small car, but toy haulers are massive and designed to fit ATVs and dirt bikes.

Could it really be possible to fit a tiny sports car inside one of those things? I had to find out.

One fateful day, I convinced my buddies to help me test out this theory. We rented a toy hauler and, after much struggling and sweat, managed to stuff my poor Miata inside.

It was a tight fit, to say the least.

The car was wedged in there like a sardine in a can, and we had to take out the seats just to get the doors to close. But, much to our amazement, it actually fit!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Matthew, this is all well and good, but what does it actually matter if a Miata can fit in a toy hauler? Who cares?” Well, dear reader, let me tell you: it matters because it’s an absolute hoot.

Imagine cruising down the highway with your sports car snugly tucked inside your toy hauler, ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice.

It’s like a transformer, but with less shapeshifting and more gratuitous tire screeching. Trust me, it’s a thrill like no other.

How We Did It?

First things first, you’ll need a toy hauler with a high enough ceiling to fit your Miata. Not all toy haulers are created equal in this regard, so it’s important to do your research and find one that’s up to the task.

See also  What Can You Fit in the Back of a Toy Hauler?

You’ll also want to remove any unnecessary items from the car to make it as compact as possible. This means taking out the seats, any loose items, and possibly even the roof (if you have a convertible).

Next, you’ll need to get a group of friends to help lift the car and guide it into the toy hauler. This is where things get a little tricky.

The car will need to be tilted at a slight angle to fit through the door, and it will be a tight squeeze once it’s inside.

It may take some finagling and maneuvering to get it just right, but trust me, it’s worth it for the sheer absurdity of it all.

But Why?

Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking: this is all well and good, but what’s the point? Why would anyone in their right mind want to fit a sports car inside a toy hauler?

Well, for one thing, it’s a great conversation starter. You’ll be the talk of the town with your Miata-hauling toy hauler.

Plus, it’s a convenient way to transport your car to the track or to a car show.

No need to worry about finding a trailer or dealing with a cumbersome tow rig – just load up your Miata and hit the road.


Is it safe to transport a car in a toy hauler?

It’s generally safe to transport a car in a toy hauler, as long as you take the proper precautions. Make sure the toy hauler has enough room for the car and that the car is secured properly before hitting the road.

See also  Is a Toy Hauler a Tax Write Off?

It is recommended to use straps, anchors or other means of securing the car inside the toy hauler.

Keep in mind, depending on the size and weight of the car, it may exceed the weight limit of the toy hauler, so it’s important to check the weight capacity of the toy hauler and your vehicles towing capacity before loading it.

Is it legal to transport a car in a toy hauler?

It may be legal to transport a car in a toy hauler, but laws and regulations can vary by state and country. It’s important to check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to make sure it’s legal in your area.

Are there any downsides to transporting a car in a toy hauler?

One downside is that it may be difficult to see out of the toy hauler while driving with a car inside, so it’s important to have an experienced driver behind the wheel.

Additionally, driving a toy hauler with a car inside can be a bit more challenging than driving an empty toy hauler.

The weight distribution and aerodynamics will be affected, so it’s important to be aware of that when driving.

Overall, transporting a car in a toy hauler can be a unique and fun experience but make sure you take the necessary precautions, follow the legal requirements and use common sense.

It’s also important to consider the potential downsides before embarking on this journey.
