What’s the Lowdown on the Lowest Overpass on the Garden State Parkway?

What's the Lowdown on the Lowest Overpass on the Garden State Parkway?

Hey y’all, it’s your boy Matthew here and I’ve got a doozy of a story to tell you about the Garden State Parkway’s lowest overpass.

So, picture it: Jersey, a few summers ago, I’m cruisin’ down the GSP in my trusty RV, windows down, jammin’ to some Bruce (Springsteen, duh) and feeling like the king of the world. I’m making great time and thinking to myself “Man, this is the life.”

And then, out of nowhere, BAM. I hit the lowest overpass on the Garden State Parkway. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Matthew, how could you not know about the lowest overpass on the GSP?

It’s common knowledge.” And to that I say, I was new to the area and let’s just say, Google Maps and I aren’t on the best of terms.

Anyways, I’m driving along, minding my own business and all of a sudden, BOOM, I hear a loud scraping noise and I’m like “Oh sh*t, this ain’t good.”

I pull over to the side of the road and, to my horror, I see that I’ve completely ripped the roof rack off my RV on the overpass.

Now, y’all know I love my RV, she’s been with me through thick and thin, but at that moment, I wanted to set her on fire and push her off a cliff.

But, being the responsible adult that I am, I called AAA and waited for them to come tow my baby away.

Fun fact: The lowest overpass on the Garden State Parkway is a mere 13 feet, 6 inches.

So, now that I’ve shared my personal horror story with y’all, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of the lowest overpass on the GSP.

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But before we do, let me leave you with this cliffhanger: Did I ever get my roof rack fixed? Did I ever forgive Google Maps? Find out in the rest of the article!

The Lowdown on the Lowest Overpass

The lowest overpass on the Garden State Parkway is located in Union County, NJ and spans over Route 22.

As I mentioned before, the clearance is a mere 13 feet 6 inches, making it the lowest overpass on the entire parkway.

This means that if you’re driving a vehicle that’s over 13 feet 6 inches tall, you’re gonna have a bad time.

Why Is the Overpass So Low?

Good question, and the answer is simple: it’s been that way since the parkway was first built in the 1950s.

Back then, the average vehicle height was a lot lower than it is now, so the overpass was built to accommodate those vehicles. But, as time went on and cars got taller, the overpass became more and more of a problem.

What To Do If You’re Too Tall for the Overpass

First of all, don’t panic. If you see the signs indicating the low clearance, take the next exit and find a different route. If you’re hauling a trailer or something that’s taller than 13 feet 6 inches, you’re gonna

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have to find a different way around. Trust me, it’s not worth risking damage to your vehicle or risking getting stuck under the overpass.

If you’re a truck driver or someone who frequently drives large vehicles, it’s important to check the clearance of any overpasses or bridges you’ll be passing under. You can usually find this information on the New Jersey Turnpike Authority website or by calling them directly.

My Personal Experience

As I mentioned in the intro, I unfortunately had a run-in with the lowest overpass on the GSP. It was a humbling experience, to say the least.

I learned the hard way that it’s important to always be aware of the clearance of any overpasses or bridges you’ll be passing under.

Not only did I cause damage to my own car, but I also caused a traffic delay for other drivers. So, lesson learned and now I always double check before hitting the road.


What is the height of the lowest overpass on the Garden State Parkway?

The height of the lowest overpass on the GSP is 13 feet 6 inches.

Where is the lowest overpass located on the GSP?

The lowest overpass on the GSP is located in Union County, NJ and spans over Route 22.

What should I do if my vehicle is too tall for the overpass?

If your vehicle is too tall for the overpass, take the next exit and find a different route. It’s not worth risking damage to your vehicle or causing a traffic delay for other drivers.

Can I find information about overpass clearances on the New Jersey Turnpike Authority website?

Yes, you can find information about overpass clearances on the New Jersey Turnpike Authority website or by calling them directly.

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The End, Y’all

Well, that’s all folks. I hope you enjoyed my personal horror story and my attempt at being informative.

Remember, always double check the clearance of any overpasses or bridges before hitting the road. And, if you do happen to hit the lowest overpass on the GSP, just know that you’re in good company.
