How to Lock Your RAM ProMaster Without a Key?

How to Lock Your RAM ProMaster Without a Key?

Alright y’all, so let me tell you a little story about my personal experience with my RAM ProMaster. One day, I was in a rush to get to a job site and ended up leaving my keys inside the van.

I was screwed, or so I thought.

But then, I remembered something my buddy had told me about a sneaky little trick to lock your ProMaster without a key. And let me tell ya, it saved my bacon that day.

Now, I know some of you may be thinking “Matthew, that’s impossible, you need a key to lock a vehicle.” But let me tell you, it’s not impossible, it’s just a little tricky.

The Method

The trick is to use the manual key slot located on the driver’s door. It’s that little hole next to the door handle that you probably never even noticed before.

And here’s the thing, this slot can be used to lock the van even if the electronic key fob is inside.

Here’s how you do it:

  • First, make sure the van is in “park” and the doors are closed.
  • Next, locate the manual key slot on the driver’s door (it’s usually a little hole next to the door handle).
  • Take the key from your keychain (the one you use to open the door) and insert it into the manual key slot.
  • Turn the key to the right (clockwise) and hold it there.
  • While holding the key, press the lock button on the door handle and hold it there as well.
  • After a few seconds, you should hear the doors lock.
  • Remove the key and you’re good to go!
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My Pro Tips

Now, I know some of you may be thinking “Matthew, this seems like a lot of steps and a lot of holding, what’s the big deal?” And to that I say, practice makes perfect my friends.

The more you do this, the easier it’ll get.

And here’s a couple pro tips that’ll make this process a breeze:

  • Make sure the van is in “park” before you start the process, otherwise you’ll be trying to lock the van with the key in the wrong spot.
  • Hold the key and lock button for a few seconds, don’t let go too soon or the doors won’t lock.
  • If you’re having trouble getting the key to turn, make sure you’re using the right key. Some keychains have multiple keys and it’s easy to grab the wrong one.

Fun Fact

So, while you’re all probably wondering how to lock your ProMaster without a key, you may not have known that the RAM ProMaster actually has a pretty unique feature: it’s a front wheel drive van.

That’s right, most vans are rear wheel drive, but the ProMaster is one of the few that’s front wheel drive.

So, not only can you lock it without a key, but you can also drive it like a boss!


Q: Can I use this method to unlock the van?

A: Unfortunately no, this method only works for locking the van. But don’t worry, you can still use your electronic key fob or the key on your keychain to unlock the van.

Q: What if my electronic key fob is lost or broken?

A: If your electronic key fob is lost or broken, you can still use the manual key slot method to lock your van.

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However, you’ll need to contact a dealership or locksmith to get a new electronic key fob.

Q: Is this method only for RAM ProMaster vans?

A: No, this method can be used for most other makes and models of vans that have a manual key slot on the driver’s door.

That’s A Wrap!

So there you have it folks, the secret to locking your RAM ProMaster without a key. It may seem tricky at first, but with a little practice and some pro tips, you’ll be locking and unlocking like a pro in no time.

And remember, not only can you lock it without a key, but you can also drive it like a boss. So get out there and show off those front wheel drive skills!
