Does Changing Transmission Fluid Improve Performance?

Does Changing Transmission Fluid Improve Performance?

Hey y’all, it’s your boy Matthew Taylor here. So, I once had this buddy who swore by changing his transmission fluid every other week.

He was convinced it was the secret to his car’s smooth rides and top-notch performance. But me, being the skeptical fella I am, just couldn’t wrap my head around it.

I mean, how could some old, dirty fluid be holding my ride back from reaching its full potential? It just didn’t make sense to me.

So, one day I decided to put this theory to the test. I asked my buddy to let me borrow his car for the weekend and drained out all that “magic” transmission fluid.

Then, I filled it up with the cheapest, low-quality stuff I could find at the auto shop. You know, the kind that’s practically colored water and smells like it was made in a high school chemistry lab.

Well, let’s just say my buddy was not too pleased when he got his car back. The thing was practically shaking and shuddering like a leaf in a tornado.

And the smell, oh man, the smell was enough to make a skunk faint. My buddy demanded to know what the heck I did to his beloved ride, and let’s just say I didn’t stick around long enough to hear the rest of his tirade. Oops.

But in all seriousness, changing your transmission fluid is actually a pretty important part of car maintenance.

It helps to keep your vehicle running smoothly and can even improve performance if done regularly and with the right fluids.

But how exactly does it work, and is it worth the time and money? That’s what we’ll be exploring in this article.

What Is Transmission Fluid and Why Is It Important?

First things first, let’s talk about what transmission fluid even is. In a nutshell, it’s a special oil that helps to keep your car’s transmission system running smoothly.

See also  Driving With Low Transmission Fluid: A Laughable Mistake

The transmission is a crucial part of your vehicle that helps to transfer power from the engine to the wheels, allowing your car to move forward, backward, and shift gears as needed.

But here’s the thing: the transmission system is also under a ton of stress and pressure. It’s constantly working and moving, which can lead to wear and tear over time. That’s where transmission fluid comes in.

It helps to lubricate the various parts of the transmission system, reducing friction and heat buildup that can lead to damage.

But transmission fluid isn’t just any old oil. It’s specially formulated to withstand the high temperatures and pressures found in a transmission system.

It also helps to clean and cool the transmission, as well as protect against rust and corrosion. All in all, it’s a pretty important liquid for your car’s overall health and performance.

How Often Should You Change Your Transmission Fluid?

So, now that we know what transmission fluid is and why it’s important, the next question is how often you should be changing it.

The answer, as with most things in life, is: it depends.

Here are a few factors that can affect how often you should change your transmission fluid:

  • Type of transmission fluid
  • Type of vehicle
  • Driving habits
  • Age of the vehicle

As a general rule of thumb, most manufacturer recommendations fall in the range of every 30,000 to 100,000 miles.

However, it’s always best to consult your owner’s manual or a mechanic to get a specific recommendation for your specific make and model of vehicle.

See also  Should You Add New Transmission Fluid to Old?

Some newer vehicles may even have a transmission fluid filter that will need to be replaced along with the fluid.

It’s also worth noting that if you tend to drive your car in harsh conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, or if you frequently tow heavy loads, you may need to change your transmission fluid more often.

Similarly, if you drive in stop-and-go traffic or drive aggressively, your transmission fluid may need to be changed more frequently as well.

Does Changing Transmission Fluid Improve Performance?

So, now for the big question: does changing your transmission fluid actually improve performance? The short answer is yes, it can. Here’s why:

As we mentioned earlier, transmission fluid is responsible for lubricating the various parts of the transmission system.

When the fluid becomes dirty or low, it can’t do its job as effectively. This can lead to increased friction and heat within the transmission, which can cause damage and lead to decreased performance and even transmission failure.

By regularly changing your transmission fluid, you can help to keep the various parts of your transmission system lubricated and running smoothly.

This can help to improve overall performance and extend the life of your transmission.

It’s also worth noting that using high-quality transmission fluid can further improve performance, as it is specifically designed to withstand the harsh conditions found in a transmission system and provide superior lubrication.

In addition to improving performance, regularly changing your transmission fluid can also help to improve fuel efficiency.

When the transmission is running smoothly, it doesn’t have to work as hard, which means it uses less fuel. This can lead to noticeable savings at the pump over time.

See also  Do You Check Your Transmission Fluid When It’s Hot or Cold?


1. Can I change the transmission fluid myself?

In most cases, changing the transmission fluid is a job best left to a mechanic.

The transmission system is a complex and delicate part of your vehicle, and attempting to change the fluid yourself could potentially lead to further damage if not done properly.

However, if you are a skilled mechanic or are particularly confident in your ability to tackle this task, you may be able to change the transmission fluid yourself.

Just be sure to consult your owner’s manual and use caution when working on your vehicle.

2. Can I use any type of transmission fluid?

No, it’s important to use the specific type of transmission fluid recommended for your make and model of vehicle.

Different types of transmission fluid are formulated for different types of transmission systems and can have different viscosities and performance characteristics.

Using the wrong type of transmission fluid can cause damage and decrease performance. Always be sure to consult your owner’s manual or a mechanic to determine the correct type of transmission fluid for your vehicle.

3. Is it bad to drive with low transmission fluid?

Yes, it’s not recommended to drive with low transmission fluid. As we mentioned earlier, transmission fluid is responsible for lubricating the various parts of the transmission system.

If the fluid becomes too low, it can’t do its job properly, leading to increased friction and heat within the transmission.

This can cause damage and decreased performance, and may even result in transmission failure.

If you notice that your transmission fluid is low, it’s important to have it checked and refilled as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your vehicle.


In conclusion, changing your transmission fluid is an important part of maintaining your vehicle and can help to improve performance.

It’s important to follow the recommended schedule for changing your transmission fluid as specified in your owner’s manual or by a mechanic, and to use the correct type of fluid for your specific make and model of vehicle.

Regularly changing your transmission fluid can help to extend the life of your transmission, improve performance, and even improve fuel efficiency.
