Do You Really Need to Prime Before Raptor Lining?


I’m telling you, folks, I’ve learned the hard way that sometimes, it’s the small things that can make the biggest difference.

Take prepping your truck bed, for example.

I once thought a quick sweep and a hose down was good enough.

Boy, was I wrong.

Turns out, proper surface preparation is key to getting the most out of your Raptor liner.

And one of the most important steps in that prep process is priming.


So, do you really need to prime before Raptor liner? The short answer is yes.

But, why, you ask? Well, sit tight, because I’m about to break it down for you in the post below.

Why Prime Before Raptor Lining

Priming the surface before you apply Raptor liner helps ensure maximum adhesion.

Without proper preparation, the liner may not adhere properly, causing it to peel or bubble over time.

Think of it like painting a wall.

If you don’t prime the surface first, the paint is more likely to peel or chip away.

What to Use for Priming

Raptor recommends using their own brand of bed liner primer, as it’s specifically formulated to work with their product.

However, other brands of adhesion promoter or etching primer may also work.

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Just be sure to check the label and make sure it’s compatible with the type of bed liner you’re using.

How to Prime Before Raptor Lining

The process of priming your truck bed is actually pretty simple:.

  • Clean the surface of your truck bed thoroughly, removing any dirt, grease, or oil.
  • Apply the primer according to the manufacturer’s instructions, using a brush, roller, or spray gun.
  • Allow the primer to dry completely before applying the Raptor liner.

And that’s it! Just a few simple steps to ensure a long-lasting bond between your truck bed and your Raptor liner.


Can I use any primer before Raptor liner?

It’s best to use a primer that’s specifically formulated for use with Raptor liner, but other adhesion promoters or etching primers may also work.

How long does the primer need to dry before I can apply the Raptor liner?

It’s best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying time, but as a general rule, allow the primer to dry completely before applying the Raptor liner.

Can I skip the primer step if I’m in a hurry?

Skipping the primer step may result in poor adhesion and cause the Raptor liner to peel or bubble over time.

So, no, it’s not a good idea to skip it.

In Conclusion…

In the end, priming before you Raptor line is a small step thatcan make a big impact on the longevity and performance of your truck bed liner.

So, don’t cut corners and take the time to properly prepare your surface.

Your truck bed will thank you in the long run.

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So, there you have it folks, everything you need to know about priming before Raptor lining.

Just follow the simple steps and you’ll be on your way to a top-notch truck bed liner in no time.

I can speak from experience when I say, don’t skip this step or you’ll be sorry.

Trust me, I’ve made that mistake before and it’s not pretty.

And, if you’re ever in doubt, just give the pros a call.

They’ll be more than happy to answer any questions and help guide you through the process.

Time to Hit the Road

So, grab your primer and Raptor liner, and let’s get started! Your truck bed will be the envy of all your friends in no time.

Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the process.

After all, a little bit of elbow grease and a lot of love will go a long way in giving your truck bed the upgrade it deserves.
